JavaScript API – 选项


window.screetsxi = {
appid: "APP_ID",

/* Appearance */
show: true, // force to show/hide on this page
leadColor: ‘#e44444’, // primary lead color
linkColor: ‘#1292ee’, // link and button colors
pos: “right”, // left or right
offsetX: 25, // px (horizontal offset)
offsetY: 20, // px (vertical offset)
starterSize: 60, // px (starter button width)
popupSize: 388, // px (popup width)

/* Mobile appearance */
offsetX_mob: 15, // px (horizontal offset on mobile)
offsetY_mob: 15, // px (vertical offset on mobile)
starterSize_mob: 45, // px (starter button width on mobile)

/* Logged-in users */
userHash: “INSERT_HMAC_VALUE”, // HMAC using SHA-256
uid: “1”, // user ID
email: [email protected],
name: “John Doe”,
phone: “+1210000000”,
createdAt: 1312182001, // UNIX timestamp

/* Custom user attributes */
custom_attrs: {
“Plan”: “Starter”,
“Purchase Date”: 1312182001,

为已登录用户安装 Screets ChatI




特性 默认值 描述
show true 在该页面强制显示/隐藏
leadColor “#e44444” 关键颜色
linkColor “#1292ee” 链接和按钮颜色
pos “right” 左侧 或 右侧
offsetX 25 px (水平偏移)
offsetY 20 px (垂直偏移)
starterSize 60 px (开始按钮宽度)
popupSize 388 px (弹窗窗口宽度)


特性 默认值 描述
offsetX_mob 15 px (移动端水平偏移)
offsetY_mob 15 px (移动端垂直偏移)
starterSize_mob 45 px (移动端按钮宽度)